Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

...is to be back in Cleveland with my family. Ali is doing well. She had a little set back over the weekend - we were scheduled to fly back to Cleveland on Tues 12/16, I hope Ali will be back on track soon so we can leave the beginning of next week. Ali had been slightly fluid overload and we were trying to catch up by increasing the frequency of her diuretics, but it didn't work and by Monday morning her breathing was very labored and her heart rate was out of this world. Within a couple of hours new tests had been done and Ali was much more comfortable. The docs were looking over all the latest numbers and were glad to see that the new valves were working well and that it looks to be fluid overload. So they ordered Ali to be on IV diuretics for a few days then try to switch back to oral meds after the extra fluid was removed. Soooooo... we are waiting to see how Ali responds to all this. 

On Sunday, Ali was able to take a short stroller ride around the unit! She was so excited to get out of her bed! Ali smiled and waved to all the nurses we passed.  It was a big production to get her into the stroller with all of her lines and such, but we did it! Hopefully we can go on another ride later this week when we are feeling better!

In other happenings... Santa stopped by the Ronald McDonald house with his elves (a local car enthusiasts group) to bring toys to all the kids. Gavin got a huge bag of MegaBlocks and Ali  got a holiday Barbie and a Barbie plane/cruise ship play set (we will be storing this in the attic when we get home, she is not quite ready for all the small pieces yet)! Gavin loves to empty the bag of blocks in our room and swim in them! Ali kept kissing the holiday barbie and brushing her hair! 

So we are packed and ready to go back to Cleveland...just waiting for my California girl!!!

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